Category Archives: miscellaneous

Birds …again

Resting Birds Progress

Resting Birds Progress


It is easier to see my progress when you look at the back.

So in the evenings (or during the day) when I am tired and very unlikely to do anything productive I sit down with my needlepoint and work a few more stitches.

I’m just working tent stitch (which is a fancy way of saying half cross stitch). Being an orderly type of person (some might say a bit of a control freak), I like to have an order to my stitching. Currently that order is rotating through the colours; white, light-green, medium-green, dark-green, navy blue, white, … even just listing all of the colours is mesmorising.

I have now finished all of the light-green (yay! although this is all about the process and not so much about the end product).

This particular project has proven to be easy to do and very relaxing – more people should take it up.

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Filed under Canvas Work, miscellaneous

How We Spend Our Time

A Work in Progress

A Work in Progress

It isn’t what we say or think that defines us, but what we do

Sense and Sensibility Jane Austen

I have been thinking a lot about what I say (and buy) as opposed to what I do.  I read a lot of blogs, buy a lot of craft materials and look at a lot of pretty things on pinterest, but my out put is minimal. I think about craft, but there always seems to be something more pressing to be done. Craft feels like an indulgence that has to be done in the margins, which makes no real sense because the amount of money I spend on craft suggests it is extremely important to me. However, I know the way I spend my time says something about my priorities and what is important to me.  It is time to think about my time and how to best spend it. Sometimes you just have to get on with it – there is never going to be a perfect time and there is always going to be something that needs to be done at home.

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Oh Dear!

Back to the start

Back to the start – again!

Yes that does mean I am completely back to the start. I twisted it when I joined the round – so frustrating. I’m having to dig deep to stop myself from quitting.

On a lighter note I am enjoying this bird needlepoint (canvas work) – it is super easy to do – doesn’t require any great concentration or eye power (I can easily do it while watching T.V)

Fine Cell Bird Cushion

Fine Cell Bird Cushion

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Back to the start!

Back to the start!

There was a mistake in the lace before my first lifeline. Why can’t I do this? Anyway, I knew it would bother me and consequently I would never wear it, so I ripped it back. Above is the cast on and one round of knit.

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Filed under Knitting, miscellaneous

Creativity Workshop with Pip Lincolne

Craft for the Soul - Pip Lincolne

Craft for the Soul – Pip Lincolne

I went to a creativity workshop (run by Pip Lincolne) at the Perth Writers Festival.

I sat beside a lady wearing a spectacular green cardigan – did she make it herself? I should have asked.

There was another lady who brought along her crochet work in progress – not granny squares more like granny hexagons (it was that kind of morning).

We spent time discussing how to live a better, more creative life. There were questions to be answered – what are our strengths, skills, achievements, hurdles … we all found this difficult. As women (and Australians) we are not encourage to boast or even celebrate our successes. How often were we told ‘not to put tickets on ourselves’?

What did I take away from the day (apart from a purple pom pom and a half made pony)? You just have to get on with it – the stars are never going to align, the timing is never going to be perfect. So start now – just a little bit everyday, declare your creativity (whether loudly or quietly – this goes back to the tickets on your self thing – would I be getting ideas above my station if I called myself creative?) and reassess (check in with yourself) often. Are you happy with how things are? Yearning for a different life? To be in a different place? Then do something about it.

The other thing I noticed (about myself, but it might be helpful to others) was how I filled my time with busy work. For a few reasons – to legitimise my existence (look at me I’m hard working, I volunteer, I do maths tutoring, I keep my house clean …) and because I am afraid to put myself out there to be ridiculed and/or to fail.

But if not today, then when? Small steps …

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2015 – In Review

My small collection of finished objects!

My small collection of finished objects!

It is a strange feeling to look back and see how little I finished this year. Just one pair of socks, a pin cushion, canvas work sampler, canvas work pendant and one quilt block. I have taken on longer projects – with the my weekly embroidery course plus I have taken on extra (maths) students this year, which does eat into my time.

One of the highlights of my year was the Canvas Work class – for three hours a week I sit down with like-minded souls and stitch. Every week I would think ‘no I don’t have the time for this’, but after ten minutes the calmness seeped in and at the end of the session I was ready to face my hectic life again.

This year it is all about finishing things off :- Miss P’s socks, Miss A’s hat, fingerless mitts, sampler quilt, embroidery and a tapestry cushion kit I bought in Sydney.

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Canvas Work Progress

Canvas Work Progress

Canvas Work Progress

I have continued with my canvas work class. This term I am working on a journal cover.  This term I have been very busy – extra students for tutoring and I have joined a running group, so I can improve my times (well it is really so I can stay fit and eat more!). All this means is that there is not a lot of extra time for embroidery, so I wanted something simple to do. This design only has cushion stitch and I find I can get into a rhythm and time just vanishes.


While working on this I have been watching series 6 of Downton Abbey (I pre-ordered from and it arrived unexpectedly one day). The costumes are spectacular – well worth watching just for that.



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Filed under Canvas Work, miscellaneous

Thoughts on the Unfinished

Unfinished Projects

Unfinished Projects

Some finished blocks!

And this …

I have been thinking about the unfinished lately and why I have numerous unfinished projects – not to mention the fabric, yarn and embroidery thread (both machine and hand) stash. I think it comes down to greed, which is quite a shocking thought. I’ve always considered greed to be about food and money, but I have decided it can about anything. As soon as I see something new and interesting (not to mention pretty) on a blog I simply must have it – I have this fear that when I am finally ready for it it will no longer be available. And although this might be the case, there is bound to be something else equally pretty and available when I am ready. I also do this with books and to some extent magazines.

I have no idea what steps to take to overcome this problem (and it is a problem because I am feeling overwhelmed by all of the stuff I own). I’ve imposed ‘no buy’ bans, but as soon as I get a bit stressed I pop out and buy sock yarn, or fabric bundles or a new craft book.

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A Work in Progress

Some finished blocks!

Some finished blocks!

I finally found some motivation to get on with my sampler quilt. Both of my girls were really keen to make pencil cases in the holidays and I think a simple sewing project reignited my interest in sewing.

I have decided that I am going to quilt each block independently – quilting as you go – like here. I’m hoping this approach has two advantages; first, it is physically easier to maneuver around my sewing machine and secondly, it will just feel less overwhelming.


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Filed under Digitizing, Foundation Blocks, Machine Embroidery, miscellaneous

2013 in Review

SewWitty's 2013

SewWitty’s 2013

I was quite disappointed when I look back on 2013 not much finished. I was away for July, but still very little was done.

My sampler quilt has proven to be quite a road block. I either need to knuckle down and finish it or give it up.

Last year’s goals

  • Miss A’s Plus Quilt – No progress made at all
  • Baby Clothes Quilt – No progress made at all
  • Master knitting socks using the magic loop method. – Done although I think I am happier with double points.
  • Master knitting socks two at a time – Done although I think I enjoy knitting one at a time.
  • Attempt colour knitting – No progress made at all
  • Finish digitising my foundation quilt blocks and release the set – I have finished the digitising, but not the quilt.
  • Start working on a new embroidery set – something modern without too much fill – I started working on blackwork and will continue with this.

2014 Goals

  • Finish the Sampler Quilt and release the designs.
  • Design and knit 4 pairs of socks.
  • Continue digitising.
  • Baby Clothes quilt.
  • Miss A’s plus quilt.

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