Category Archives: Colour Work

Scout Shawl Knitting Progress

I have re-started my Scout Shawl. I am finding it much easier to knit with straight needles. I have gone down to 3.25mm needles – I was using 4mm before, and I much prefer the fabric.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Knitting - Colour work, Yarn Stash

Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar from Kate Davies Designs

I have been enjoying my advent calendar from KDD – the colours are spectacular. I am looking forward to seeing what patterns she has written to go with this yarn.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Yarn Stash

Mosaic Knitting Workshop

Mosaic Knitting

I went to a workshop at Calico and Ivy on Mosaic knitting, run by Pru Raymond. It was a lovely afternoon.

I didn’t finish my washcloth in the class it took a couple of TV knitting sessions.

The yarn is Finch 10ply Cotton, my colours are Mulberry and Ballet. It makes a lovely, squishy fabric.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Knitting - Colour work

New Knitting Project – Scout Shawl

Scout Shawl by Florence Spurling (image from the pattern)

Now that the blanket knitting marathon is over I am going to start a new project. I bought the kit for this shawl a few years ago (so long ago I can’t remember where I go it – I think it was from here and I have kit 1).

My colours for the shawl

I wound them into balls a couple of days ago and now I am ready to start knitting.


Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Knitting - Colour work, Yarn Stash

Blanket is Finished!

Blanket is finally finished

I finally finished Miss P’s blanket.

I have been working on this blanket (mostly monogamously) for 18 months. I am super keen to knit some socks!

The pattern is the Moderne Log Cabin from MDK (published in Mason Dixon knitting). I made a mistake, and then just continued adding rectangles until it reached the size I wanted. I used Classic 8ply yarn from Bendigo (superwash) in the following colours (you can see all of the colours in the top image)

  • Bright Lavender
  • Magnolia
  • Blackberry Nip
  • Sweet Pea

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Yarn Stash

Road Side Beanie

Road Side Beanie by Oliver Henry and Sandra Mason

This was the hat for the 2019 Shetland Wool Week. I have always been fascinated by colour work, patterns like this

“Rams and Yowes” and “Tortoise and Hare” both by Kate Davies

But they seem very complicated, so I need to build myself up to that level.

I thought a hat would be easier and Miss A was going on the school ski trip (cancelled now due to Covid 19).

I bought a kit for the Road Side beanie from Calico and Ivy (if you are in Perth this is a lovely store).

Road Side Beanie Progress

It’s coming along slowly – here’s me knitting a bit of it

I should have used circular needles, but I used what I had on hand, which was dpns. I am up to the crown decreases, so it should all get a little bit faster. This requires a bit of concentration so I haven’t been watching any T.V while knitting it. I did finish Little Fires Everywhere – it was very good.

I would like to finish this by July, which is when the tour was meant to take place.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting

Roadside Beanie Progress

This probably doesn’t look much different for yesterday, but I have started on Chart E (only Chart F left after this). I also have all of those ends to weave in.

We watched the second episode of The Miniaturist – just one more to go. The production design is fabulous.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Television

Roadside Beanie

Roadside Beanie

As the socks are finished, I have returned to my Roadside Beanie – I think I achieved two rounds last night.

I am now watching The Miniaturist – there are only three episodes, so that’s not going to take long to finish.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Television

Heart Socks Finished

Heart Socks

I finished the Heartgyle socks from Boost Your Knitting.

I am really pleased I had a go at knitting intarsia in the round – not a fan of the ‘seam’ you can see on the back (see below).

See the seam on the right?

My first heart was much better than my second heart. I think it was because I left all of the weaving in to the end on the first one, but did as I went with the second, which made my tension a bit crap.

I do like the different coloured cuff, heels and toes, so I will do that again. I am keen to try stranded colour work socks, but next up I am going to knit my own version of Helen Stewart’s Shell Cottage Socks (I will use the stitch pattern, but my own ‘recipe’).

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Sock Knitting

Heart Socks

Heart Socks

I am keen to improve my knitting skills and colour work always looks so lovely. These socks are from the Boost Your Knitting book. I was intrigued by the idea of intarsia in the round.

It came together quite well – I am disappointed about the reverse side. Despite my best efforts there is a noticeable ‘join’. It is on the inside of your leg (when you are wearing the socks).

The issue of the join is that you are making one stitch out of two, so it is always going to have more yarn than a normal stitch and it just stands out.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Sock Knitting