Category Archives: Weave

2021 in Review

A Year in Review

This year I concentrated (almost exclusively) on Miss A’s blanket. So, apart from that, I really didn’t finish much.

One pair of socks, a chicken (and a duck), and I worked on A’s quilt and my halloween cross stitch.

Next year I will be working on Miss P’s blanket, so once again not much will get done.

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Filed under Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch, Foundation Blocks, Free Motion Quilting, Inkle Loom, inkle loom, weaving, Knitting, Patchwork, Quilting, Sock Knitting, Weave

Weaving – Learning Something New

Weaving progress

When learning something new I like to consult a lot of resources – books, youtube and pinterest. So there has been much vewing, but not a lot of actual weaving.

Once I go to the weaving, as opposed to the warping, things moved much faster. I have had trouble with tension, the width changes in different places, and there are a few lumpy bits, but I feel everything will improve with practice.

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Filed under inkle loom, weaving, Weave