Fabric Cutting with my Cricut

One of the things I wanted to be able to do with my Cricut was to cut fabric.

I ordered the rotary blade, read some blogs and had a go.

I used some of the shapes in design space, and did a basic cut. I wanted to test the process.

I starched the fabric and it worked really well. I thought it hadn’t cut at all, but as I pealed off the fabric, the shapes were left behind.

Now I have applique projects on my mind.

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Filed under Applique, Cricut, Fabric Stash, Inspiration

A finished Hat

Finished Hat

I finished my hat for Miss A.

The yarn is from Cable Tie Knits (4ply in Tangerine colourway).

The pattern is the Sledding and Snowballs hat from Lena Mathisson. I did the fold-over brim version. It was a good pattern, very easy to follow.

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Filed under Hat, Knitting

Tender Whispers from the Heart Progress

I have joined the Tender whispers from the Heart from Rebecca Devaney (Textile Tours of Paris). It combines literature (poetry), stitching, antique french linen and silk, how could I resist?

I was away when my parcel arrived, so I am a bit behind on January’s project.

My progress

The hoop is from the Samplers of Seduction box.

I have ordered more thread because I have heard from other students that one reel is not enough to do the full poem.

I am enjoying the process – writing on the fabric, etc. We used frixion markers so I hope it comes out.

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Filed under Embroidery, Inspiration

A new toy!

I visited a dear friend who has a Silhouette Cameo and I was very envious – she makes beautiful journals.

Of course, I had to have one. I went with the Cricut Maker 3 because it seems to be the easiest to use. I also bought the Starter Kit.

My first project was floss drops (right image above), super easy to make and to make multiples.

I will be experimenting for a while. I am keen to see how the pens work and how it cuts fabric (I’ve ordered the rotary blade).

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Filed under Cardstock, Cricut

Finished Socks

Christmas Socks

I finished my Christmas Eve socks. I even wore them on holiday because I didn’t pack enough socks!

The yarn is Gingerbread from Circus Tonic Yarns. And the pattern is from Helen Stewart (and I think it is the Ambient sock pattern). I used my own sock recipe and used her pattern in the leg and foot.

Usual 2.25 mm knit pro zings.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Holiday Purchases

Holiday Purchases

I went on a holiday to Tasmania. And I always like to buy craft materials as souvenirs.

On my very first morning, I went for a run and came across the Salamanca Wool Shop, and I requested Tasmanian sock yarn – I bought the skein to the left from Wattlebird Yarn.

Next up I went to A Stitch in Time, where I bought the Sampler (exclusive to them) and the scissors. I have been wanting sharper scissors to make my pin stitches work better.

And then in Launceston, I went to Knit, Needles and Wool. This place was full of yarn and there was a group meeting at the back – it all was very welcoming. Once again, I looked for sock yarn from Tasmania, and found White Gum Wool – the one I have is 80% merino and 20% silk. I am very keen to start knitting with this one.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch, Embroidery, Inspiration, Knitting, Purchases, Sock Knitting

Samplers of Seduction – The Language of Love

I preordered The Language of Love box from Textile Tours of Paris (Rebecca Devaney), and it arrived this week. It’s so beautiful (see above) I can’t wait to start the class.

I did the first Samplers of Seduction class, and really enjoyed the materials and Rebecca’s teaching style. I use the hoop and scissors from the box all of the time. Here’s the finished version.

I am also participating in the Whispers from the Heart course – I have nothing to show for that yet, still waiting for my parcel to arrive, but I have been thinking about poems and quotes, and of course I have bought two new books, Broderie – Audrey Demarre (beautiful, fabulous pictures and thick paper) and The Textile Reader – Jessica Hemmings.

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Filed under Embroidery, Inspiration, Purchases

Home Sweet Home Update

Home Sweet Home update

I did the ironing today, so I took the opportunity to remove the hoop, iron this piece and photograph it.

It’s Home Sweet Home by Modern Folk Embroidery – the new pattern is a bit different to this.

I am working on 40 count linen using Au ver à soie 100.3.

I am enjoying planning my stitch path, so I don’t have runs of thread on the back and I don’t have to end threads all of the time.

I am being very monogamous, but I have joined to SALs; Jardin Privé and Clouds Factory. My supplies haven’t arrived yet – I ordered from JKs Cross Stitch Supplies. Once they arrive I will have to decided what to do.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Cross Stitch, Cross Stitch, Embroidery, Inspiration

Treasure Box

I am a bit of a magpie, I like shiny things. I can never resist the Treasure Boxes from L’Uccello. They are beautifully presented (it’s like getting a present in the mail).

Wrapped with a lovely sticker
And the box is beautiful
Lots of fabulous goodies inside

This is my third box and I really need to use them in a project.

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Filed under Bedazzle, Embroidery, Inspiration, Purchases

Machine Embroidered Birthday Card

Birthday card

I have made another card. This design is from OESD.

Usual set-up:

  • medium tear-away stabiliser.
  • cartridge paper (210 gsm)
  • sharp needle
  • Robinson anton threads

I have a few birthdays coming up, so I will need to make more.

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Filed under Cardstock, Digitizing, Embroidery, Machine Embroidery