Tag Archives: canvas work

Second Coaster Finish

Finished Coaster

I finished my second coaster. I, unintentionally, went a bit ‘off-piste’ with this one. It’s a good thing the Sprats Head 2 (in the corners) are quite forgiving.

The design and threads are from Beautiful Stitches.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Embroidery

Second Coaster

Second coaster

I have started work on a second coaster – different threads and design. Both threads and design are from Beautiful Stitches.

I am using congress cloth and silk threads.

I am very pleased that I managed to get the Diamond Jessicas in the right place.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Embroidery

Coaster Stitching is Finished


The stitching on the coaster is finished.

I am using 24 count congress, silks and pattern from Beautiful Stitches.

I am planning a second one, but I think I might do my own design.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Embroidery

Stitching Class Project

Start of my new project

I decided to do the class project for my Friday morning stitching group. This term, we are making coasters – we are going to put them in plastic snap frame things.

I am using 24 count congress cloth and silks from Beautiful Stitches.

My plan is to work on this in class (so not at home – I am going to work on Green Gables at home), but I will try to finish the border before next week, so I can learn the next stitch.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Embroidery

Blackwork – Triangles

Blackwork Triangles

I have done a bit more work – a tiny bit – on my blackwork sampler.

The new stitch is waffle (that’s what Becky Hogg calls it). I am struggling a bit with this stitch – working out what to do at the edges and just how to follow the pattern properly.  Class starts again tomorrow though so I need to get going. I thought my eyes were part of the problem, but my optometrist says not yet – she suggested better lighting.

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Filed under Blackwork, Canvas Work

Little Houses – 3D Cross Stitch

Little Houses from Family Circle magazine 2016

I looked at these little houses and thought they would make a great school holiday project. I would whip one up as an example and then set the girls to it – you can see how much of my example I finished (school starts again tomorrow!).

I’m using a plastic canvas I found at Spotlight. There was no count on it, but I am using 6 strands of DMC embroidery floss. I strip the floss and then put it back together – Mary Corbet writes about it here.

Little Houses Progress

I anchor my thread with a waste knot (more Mary Corbet) and secure the thread with my first few stitches. Once I have been going a while I just use the existing stitches to anchor my new thread.

This is counted cross stitch, so requires a bit of concentration at first, but once you get going you can use your existing stitches as reference points. When I get to that point I listen to pod casts – BBC World Book Club. Dan Snow’s History Hit are two of my current favourites.

If you want to make your own Little Houses you can download the pattern here – you will have to provide an email address, but you can always unsubscribe later.

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Filed under Canvas Work

A Finished Object Plus Some New Projects

Little Houses, Favourite Scarf and Nowhere Cowl

I finished my favourite scarf – it is currently blocking on my outdoor table. I am not too happy with the kitchener join – I think I should have had the pieces abutting each other rather than wrong sides together when I did it.

On the left of the image is the start of one of my Little Houses – I have to say working on the plastic canvas is surprisingly fun.

On the right of the image is my Nowhere Cowl – I don’t know if you can read it in the image, but there is quite a nice message about how the chart seems daunting, but is really quite easy. So far that does seem to be the case – it is quite easy to remember each row as I am doing it.

Craftsy – In the Hoop Gifts

I have also been watching my In the Hoop Gifts craftsy class – just the lesson on making zipper pouches. I do like the instructor – Sue O’Very -I am going to have to go and buy labels! I like how she has constructed her zipper bag and there a lots of little hints and tips I can use for other projects. Now to just get onto making one.

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Filed under Canvas Work, Christmas Decorations, Machine Embroidery

Resting Birds are Ongoing

Resting Birds - The Background

Resting Birds – The Background

I am still working on the background – diagonal cashmere stitch – it is much quicker than the tent stitch and I have got myself into quite a nice rhythm, so even the tricky edge bits aren’t so bad.

I have been listening to Tess of the D’Urbervilles while stitching (read by Anna Bentinck) – damn you Alec D’Urberville and Angel Clare!


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Filed under Canvas Work



It’s like watching grass grow – not that that is a bad thing. There is definitely a place for slow stitching. It is quite mesmerising – pulling the needle through the canvas.

Comparison is the thief of joy

I have been doing a lot of this lately  – stealing joy.

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

And this as well – although I think (or hope) that I have had the fall. Sometimes I think I should not leave the house and socialise with people as I do it very badly.

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Filed under Canvas Work

Birds …

Birds - look they match my flowers

Birds – look they match my flowers

Miss A has been unwell – headache, sore throat, cough (usual winter ailment), but it means we have been sticking close to home. So there has been a bit of canvas work done (and a lot of television viewing – 800 Words, Pitch Perfect 2). I am enjoying the process – very calming, although I suspect the back ground will be extremely annoying (do I do a different stitch to make it more interesting?)

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