I haven’t heard of Clara before, but when I pre-ordered Knitting Yarns: Writers on Knitting Amazon suggested I might like this one – I do like Amazon’s recommendation system usually I do want it or I already have it.
This book falls into what I call Knitting Lifestyle or Knitting Humour – the Yarn Harlot’s books are in this category too.
This book is a series of essays on various different life experiences using knitting as a metaphor or analogy. For example, there is a chapter ‘A Good Steek’, which is about dramatic life changes and that there is a way to do it safely – like a steek cut things apart once the edges have been reinforced so the whole thing doesn’t unravel.
Occasionally I thought the knitting metaphors were a bit laboured particularly the ones about traffic, but mostly I enjoyed reading about knitting and the place it holds in Ms Parkes’ life.
If you like reading and you like knitting, then I think you will like this book.
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