Category Archives: Yarn Stash

Project Update

February sock (I know it’s March) and progress on the Language of Love embroidery

I have been working on my February sock. My left twist has improved, but it is still a slow process. The yarn is lovely (it’s from here). We are now watching The Wheel of Time season two.

I have also made some stitching progress. I have run out of the light green silk that I am using for the Ivy ‘veins’, so I have started on the Ivy leaves, which are just straight stitches using all seven strands of the silk (and trying to make them fluffy).

My silk has arrived for my two poems (January and February)

February Poem

So I need to get back onto them, so I have four stitching projects with deadlines (not terribly hard deadlines)

  • January Poem
  • February Poem
  • Name tag for stitching class (this is an in-person class here)
  • Language of Love

I am still waiting for my March supplies to arrive, and I haven’t yet decided on a poem.

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Filed under Embroidery, Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Knitting Update

I have been working on my Habitation throw and a sock for February

While watching various TV shows (Invisible Boys was particularly good), I have been knitting.

The Habitation Throw is by Helen Stewart and I am using the yarn from the Kate Davies Design Advent Calendar. It’s an easy pattern – perfect for TV knitting – there is just one row with K2tog and YO where you need to be paying a little bit of attention, otherwise it’s all knit.

I have started socks for February. Using my yarn from Tasmania. I am doing a twisted rib cast on (K1(tbl)P1) and then I am going to do a simple twisted stitch pattern for the leg, from the Twisted Stitch Sourcebook – I am struggling a bit with the LT (left twist), I knit a swatch and I did improve, so hopefully the actual sock will be fine.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Finished Socks

Christmas Socks

I finished my Christmas Eve socks. I even wore them on holiday because I didn’t pack enough socks!

The yarn is Gingerbread from Circus Tonic Yarns. And the pattern is from Helen Stewart (and I think it is the Ambient sock pattern). I used my own sock recipe and used her pattern in the leg and foot.

Usual 2.25 mm knit pro zings.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

New Yarn Purchases

I really can’t help myself

The yarn on the left is from the Yarn Trader – it’s Christmas sock yarn. On the right is from Cable Tie Knits – I am going to knit Miss A a hat (her rowing club colours are orange and black). I made her this hat back in 2016 and I might do the same one again.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Sock Finish

Finished Socks!

I have finished my Dunsborough socks! The yarn is from Text and Co in Dunsborough (but it is a Circus Tonic set),

The cable pattern is from Second Chance Romance socks by Lauren Rad (Bee in a Bonnet), but I did my own sock recipe.

I used 2.25mm circular needle, cast on 64 stitches, heel flap and gusset, and Kate Atherley’s sock toe.

Now I have started knitting the Habitation Throw by Helen Stewart with my Kate Davies Advent Calendar yarn.

First ball of yarn

I made my husband randomly pick a ball from the bag of 24.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

New Sock Yarn

I bought new sock yarn – because apparently you can’t have enough. It’s called Sugar Plum and it is from Cable Tie Knits (a local dyer).

It came beautifully wrapped with some stitch markers.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

New Sock Knitting Project

I went on holiday so I wanted something easier to knit than my Scout Shawl. When we were in Dunsborough last year, I purchased yarn from Text and Co, which has been dyed to represent the blues of the ocean and there is a mini skein to represent the sand (it was dyed by Circus Tonic Handmade.

My project bag is my Lady and The Unicorn Zipper Bag from Red Bubble – the large size is great for socks.

I am using a chart from one of my Bee in a Bonnet patterns – I think it is The Second Chance Romance Socks, but I am just doing the twisted stitch bit.

I cast on 64 stitches (no swatch this time), and did a K2P2 rib for 20 rounds, and then onto the pattern.

Usual needles (2.25mm).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Scout Shawl Knitting Progress

I have re-started my Scout Shawl. I am finding it much easier to knit with straight needles. I have gone down to 3.25mm needles – I was using 4mm before, and I much prefer the fabric.

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Filed under Colour Work, Knitting, Knitting - Colour work, Yarn Stash

New Yarn – for Knit Your Own Adventure

My yarn for the Choose Your Own Knitventure has arrived. The pattern is written by Lauren Rad and Beth Kirkpatrick (I think it comes out this weeK). The yarn is from Frosted Stitch (Floribunda and Moonflower – I believe the yarn is dyed especially for this project).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

New Wash Cloth

I needed an easy project, while I was waiting for Officeworks to print my Scout Shawl pattern (it’s all gone horribly wrong and I am restarting. I am taking this opportunity to use smaller needles because I didn’t like the fabric I was creating.

I used the Family Time Dishcloth pattern (it’s free!) and cotton from Spotlight – it’s Abbey Road Kung Fu Cotton. Whenever I am at Spotlight I have a quick look in the cotton yarn aisle to see if they have any nice colours of cotton.

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Filed under Knitting, Yarn Stash