Tag Archives: baby clothes quilt

Project Update


Fussy Cutting Baby Clothes

This project (making a quilt from the girls’ baby clothes) seemed like such a good idea. What could go wrong? Baby clothes are cute therefore the quilt would be cute. The clothes are cute, but they don’t necessarily mix well together. And then there is the cutting! Oh the cutting. I’m 2/3 of the way through the cutting and then comes the designing, the sewing, making a back and the quilting. There is a long way to go!

I have almost finished this cardigan – Miss A wanted a bolero cardigan who am I to complain!



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Filed under Knitting, Quilting


We’ve been struck down by what felt like the plague, but was just gastro. The whole house was sick for a week – we just resurfacing now.

I did manage to knit a bit more (while sitting on the couch with sick children) while watching ABC3 – I’ve seen a lot of ABC3 in the last week.

I’ve returned to my baby clothes quilt – still cutting, but the end is in sight…

Also, Jane Austen Knits is out.

I think I will have a go at some of the socks.

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Filed under Knitting, Magazines, Patchwork, Quilting

New Projects

I have two new, rather large, projects on the go. The first is a quilt made from the girls baby clothes.

This seemed like a lovely idea, but cutting the squares and rectangles is very time consuming.

The other project is this one by Amy Herzog

 I’ve cast on three times so far …

Above is the first time and you can see it’s twisted – like a mobius strip. It might all end badly.


Filed under Knitting, Patchwork