We went to Rottnest for a few days, and I took a little cross stitch away with me
14 count Aida done in the hand. And it reinvigorated my love of cross stitch, so I have been working on my Halloween Cat (by Satsuma Street).
Miss P turns 18 in early 2023, so I have started her blanket. It’s the same as Miss A’s but in purple shades.
The last is my Christmas sock, which is going to be short – for wearing in summer. It was 44 degrees yesterday (that’s 112.2 for you Fahrenheit people), so you can see why I need short socks. The yarn is Poinsettia from Daffodil Road Yarn. I bought it last year, but I imagine they do something similar every year.
I have tried to do an interesting rib – I used Gaughan’s Twisted Stitch Source Book and did a K2P2 rib, but the K2 has a right twist every second round. I think it is very effective.