Category Archives: Sock Knitting

Sock with Integrated Heel

Sock with Integrated Heel

I am always up for a new way of knitting top-down socks (not such a keen fan of toe up). Anyway, this one doesn’t have a heel flap (or at least one where you knit backwards and forwards). This is what the designer (
Ailbíona McLochlainn) says

The Integrated Heel looks and fits similarly to a traditional heel flap and gusset. The difference is in the process. Like the traditional sock heel, the Integrated Heel features a heel flap, a gusset, and a turned heel. Unlike the traditional sock heel, the Integrated Heel is worked almost entirely in the round. This eliminates the need to work the heel flap back-and-forth flat, and to later pick up stitches along its edges. 
The resulting benefits include: a gusset with more give (since you aren’t picking up stitches along a finished edge); fewer interruptions to workflow (which, in turn, speeds up the knitting process considerably); and excellent fit, with ample opportunity for heel-depth customisation.

I bought the pattern and used the ideas rather than the specific pattern to knit my sock. I liked it. I need to wear it a bit before deciding if it is my new go to heel type (and I still have a second sock to knit).

The yarn is from Dingo Dye Works – in the Desert Rose colourway. It’s beautiful and feels fabulous, so soft.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

A Finish

Image of hand knit socks made from fiddlesticks yarn
First finish of 2019

I made these socks for a friend. It is my take on the Wildflowers and Honeycomb socks. I used the stitch pattern for the cuff, leg stitches and heel flap, but worked out my own numbers based on my gauge and did a wedge toe.

The yarn is Fiddlesticks socks bamboo (a mix of merina, bamboo and nylon).

They turned out well and they fit.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

Project Bag – Pi

Project Bag

The Pi embroidery is a design I bought from Urban Threads a while ago (maybe a year) with plans to make a project bag. Originally I planned black on white, but then I saw this embroidery and thought white on black was very effective (I have this design too – already stitched out).

I just made a simple lined draw string bag – Martha Stewart has a great video tutorial.

It is the perfect size for a sock project.

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Filed under Knitting, Machine Embroidery, Sewing, Sock Knitting

A Sock Finished

One Finished Sock

I finished one sock – this is probably my best fitting sock.

Here are some of my notes

Above are the notes I made while I was working on it. I think I should be able to replicate it for the second sock.

The yarn is a Rhichard Deverieze and it is my take on the Hermione Everyday Sock.

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Hermione Socks

Hermione Socks

The pattern on the leg and the top of the foot are from the Hermione Everyday Sock pattern, but I used my own ‘recipe’ for the sock. The yarn is Rhichard Devrieze – Peppino. One skein is 65g, which might be enough for a pair of socks, but I didn’t want to risk it, so bought two skeins. I’m using 2.25mm knit pro zings (magic loop method).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Christmas Socks Finished

My christmas socks are finished

I finished my Christmas socks. The yarn is the Christmas yarn from WYS. I just did a plain sock – twisted rib cuff, eye of partridge heel flap and I used Kate Atherley’s wedge toe instructions (I like how the toe is rounded rather than pointy).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

More on the Socks

Christmas Socks

I am still working on my Christmas socks – although I might have to move onto some secret squirrel things before I get finished.

I went to Knit Purl – it is a beautiful store. Definitely worth a visit.

And then on the way back to the come I passed Laneway Quilts – so I had to pop in and bought more sock yarn (of course). I am so amazed that two stores can co-exist so close to each other in a relatively small community.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

Christmas Socks 2018

Christmas Sock Progress

I have turned the heel, but still to pick up the stitches for the gusset.

Yarn: Fairy Lights from WYS, I am making the pattern up as I go along (very vanilla though).

Check out the knitted and crocheted poppies at the War Memorial in Kings Park.

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Filed under Sock Knitting

Christmas Socks – 2018

Fairy Lights Swatch

A new start. This is Fairy Lights from West Yorkshire Spinners (it’s the limited edition christmas one). I bought it directly from them and it arrived within a week.

I am using my Addi Crasy Trio needles (size 2.25mm) and my gauge is  8 stitches/inch.

My original plan was to knit something with a bit of texture – maybe a cable, but the colour pattern is interesting, so I am just going to knit a plain vanilla top-down sock.

I am going to cast on 66 stitches and knit a 1 by 1 rib for 2 inches (although I might do a twisted rib).


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Nighthawk Socks 2

Nighthawk socks finished

I finished my socks – these have the best gusset and toes of any I have made.

I used the suggestions (for both toes and gusset) in Custom Socks.

I think for my next pair of socks I will try something toe up, but before that I am going to knit the Braid Hills Cardigan – I bought this as a kit two years ago and now I am going to finish it. I have swatched and I seemed to have achieved gauge (I know swatches can lie, so we will see what happens – it is all about the process).

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Filed under Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash