Tag Archives: sewn cast off

Toe Up Sock Finished

I finished my sock. I cast off using Elizabeth Zimmerman’s sewn cast off, which worked a treat – I should have used this method on this – it might have stretched over their heads!

Elizabeth Zimmerman’s Sewn Cast Off

 Cut your yarn so the tail is about three times as long as the knitting and thread it onto a blunt needle.

*Insert the needle into the first 2 stitches on the knitting needle as if to purl and draw the yarn through.

Reinsert the needle into the first stitch on the knitting needle as if to knit, draw the yarn through and slip the stitch off.*

Repeat from * to *.

You can find instructions for this method in Knitting Without Tears  and I am sure there are a few youtube videos demonstrating it as well.

Now I just need to do the second sock.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting