Category Archives: Colour Work

Heartgyle Socks

Progress on Heartgyle Socks

I have started knitting the Heartgyle socks from Boost Your Knitting – the intarsia heart is going well, but the getting it to work in the round is not going so well (see below)

Back of Heartgyle sock

You can see where I have been doing the yarn overs and the turn. The instructions do say

You will see that the turn between right side and wrong side creates a small ridge in the work but it is not hugely obvious.

And they have an image and it’s true on their sock it isn’t very obvious. I can see that my later turns are better – more discreet if you like, but now I need to decide if I rip it back and start again. I am leaning towards ripping back.

There are some great tutorials on how to do this on You Tube – here.

I think the method is good it’s just my execution.

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Filed under Colour Work, Sock Knitting


Blackwork Triangles

I have been trying to rotate through my various projects – to get the ones that were languishing on the go again.

Above is the piece I am working on at my embroidery class I only seem to have time to work on it there – I never make it back to it in my rotation. I should finish it this week and then I am going to need a new project. Various different ideas are floating around in my head, but I haven’t settled on anything yet.

I am also knitting Miss A these mitts

Meow Mitts (image from Ravelry – tinyowlknits)

this is proving to be trickier than I expected – 30 minutes yesterday to knit one row! There’s balls of yarn everywhere and I needed to learn how to capture the floats in purl. I am hoping to achieve more next time.

And then finally I am back onto this quilt


Block for my Sampler Quilt

I have gotten a bit more savvy about this quilt – I’ve cut the fabric, backing and batting for 12 blocks and I am just quilting them when I have time. I would love to get this finished because it has been going for a long time.

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Filed under Blackwork, Canvas Work, Colour Work, Free Motion Quilting, Knitting, Quilting

A few projects

My irises are growing

I love irises and I plant bulbs every year – I never dig the old ones up so some of them come up again – this year they have been spectacular. A reward for how wet and cold it has been.

Blackwork triangles

I have done a small amount of work on my Blackwork triangles – mostly just at my class. I feel re-invigorated on this project and now just want to get it finished.

It is Miss A’s turn to have something knitted and she pickedĀ Meow Mitts

Meow Mitts (image from Ravelry – tinyowlknits)

She has picked her own colours – our base is going to be blue and the bow red.

Here is the swatch

Meow Mitts Swatch

This will be my second attempt at colour work so we will see how it goes.

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Filed under Blackwork, Canvas Work, Colour Work, Knitting