Tag Archives: hand embroidery

Using my Cricut to print an embroidery design on fabric

I used my Cricut (Maker 3) to print (in washable marker) an embroidery pattern onto fabric.

I had the pattern as a pdf.

I used Inkscape to trace it and remove the background – I am a beginner with Inkscape. I am googling every time I try to do something.

Then I uploaded it to design space, and selected pen.

It worked really well – definitely something I will do again (maybe with a finer pen?)

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Filed under Cricut, Embroidery, Fabric Stash, Inspiration, Software

Samplers of Seduction – A Brief Dictionary of Stitches

Samplers of Seduction – Edition 1

My box from Rebecca Devaney of Textile Tours of Paris has arrived – it came very quickly. Unlike my kit from the Royal School of Needlework, which still hasn’t arrived.

I also have the online course, A Brief Dictionary of Stitches,

Items in the box and my progress

This is a beautiful kit, with silk threads, linen, hoop, scissors and needles all from European manufacturers.

Rebecca’s teaching style is fabulous. I thought I knew how to hoop my fabric, but no and now (as you can see in the above image), I can get my hoop drum tight.


Filed under Embroidery

Hand Embroidery 2

Hand Sampler

I have finished the first of my samplers, this is the flat stitches.

From top to bottom

  • running stitch
  • back stitch
  • whipped running stitch
  • split stitch
  • stem stitch
  • fern stitch

I have started the next sampler

Transferring the pattern

This one is the looped stitches, I’m currently working on chain stitch.

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Filed under Embroidery

Hand Embroidery

Hand Embroidery Sampler

A number of years ago (it’s a bit embarrassing to remember how many) I subscribed to Craftsy for a year (before it became Bluprint and then Craftsy again). As part of my subscription, I got to keep certain classes forever, and one of the classes I chose to keep was Design it Stitch it Hand Embroidery. I finally decided to try it.

My base fabric is calico and I transferred the design using a window and a pigma micron pen, which I also bought years ago, when Juanita’s was an art store and not a bar. I am using DMC cotton floss, and I just picked 6 colours from my stash.

I am quite keen to learn some stitches and then create a piece, with different sections in different stitches, but nothing too formal or designed – like a doodle but in stitches.

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Filed under Embroidery, Fabric Stash