Category Archives: Sock Knitting

March, April and Possibly May Sock

This is my March sock – first mentioned here – from the above image you can see that one sock is completely finished. With the second sock I’ve turned the heel and I’m decreasing down to the foot. I’ve really struggled with this pattern. In fact I kept having to fudge the pattern after row 8 – I was sure there was an error somewhere. I checked The Knitter website for errata, but found nothing. It wasn’t until I was halfway through the second sock that I realised I’d been reading row 8 wrong (duh!). Anyway, it’s a good thing I used stripy yarn because you can see my mistakes.

I do plan to knit a May sock, but it will have to be a very simple sock if I’m to get it finished in time.

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March Socks

The above image is not mine – it’s from here, but these are the socks I’m knitting this month. They have quite a complicated stitch pattern (for me), but I’m loving how it’s all coming together. I’m enjoying the focus required to keep to the pattern – the whole world stills as I work on my sock.

I made the mistake of using a self-patterning yarn, which hides the pattern. I think I might be able to get this pair finished in time. I’ve knit the leg of one sock, so almost half way and it’s not quite halfway through March.

On a completely different note I’ve bought the Owlet pattern from Kate Davies and some yarn from here in Damson. I’m not sure about a 12 ply yarn in Australia, but at least it will be quick to knit.


Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

February Sock is finished

I finished my February socks! Well ahead of schedule. These are ‘plain vanilla’ socks – the cuff is 2×2 rib and the rest stocking stitch.

I used heel stitch for the heel flap. The heel flap was 12 rows. I like to make the heel flap 3/4 or 2/3 of the number of stitches in the flap. It just seems to fit much better. But which fraction to use 3/4 or 2/3? I use the guide on (less than 50 stitches use 2/3 otherwise 3/4 and the 50 refers to the entire sock not just the heel flap).

The toe is just a simple wedge and I used kitchener stitch to graft the final 8 stitches.

This was a very easy project (not to mention quick), but I’m going to try something more challenging for March.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

February Socks

February is a short month. I’ve decided to knit a sock with chunky yarn and a short leg!

The yarn I’m using is Yoshie (it was left over from my hot water bottle cover). The  image above is the tension square. My gauge was 4 stitches/inch.

I’ve calculated that I need to cast on 32 stitches – it worked out at 34, but it is always better to have a number divisible by 4.

To calculate the number of stitches I measured the circumference of my leg (just above my ankle), subtracted half an inch (because I want my socks to fit snugly) and multiplied by the gauge.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting, Yarn Stash

Diamond Seed Sock Pattern

I’ve written the pattern for my Diamond Seed socks. You can find on the Sock Patterns tab at the top of the page or here.

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Filed under Knitting, Patterns, Sock Knitting

January Sock is Finished

I finished my January sock. Having a schedule worked well for me. It kept me focussed and I didn’t feel overwhelmed by the amount still to be done because I just had to finish the work set for today rather than the entire sock.

This sock has a 2×2 rib cuff, diamond seed pattern leg (which I continued on top of the foot) and a heel stitch heel flap. I plan to write a general guide in the next day or two.

Now to start planning the February sock.

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

Time for a Plan

If I am to get my second sock finished by Monday (the 31st), then I need a plan of action.

Tuesday (25th): Work on sock leg.

Wednesday (26th): Finish sock leg.

Thursday (27th): Heel flap, turn heel, pick up heel stitches.

Friday (28th): Gusset

Saturday (29th): Foot

Sunday (30th): Toe

As you can see, I’ve left a spare day at the end because something is bound to come up or to take longer than I anticipate.

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I finished my Sock

I finished my sock! Now I just have to finish the next one …

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Working away at my sock

I haven’t finished my sock. To stick to my deadline I needed to finish it yesterday, but I am about half way through the foot.

I found a great you tube clip about how to pick up stitches –

I think socks are a great thing on which  to practise new techniques – they’re quick to finish, don’t require a lot of yarn and even if it’s a complete disaster you haven’t invested too much time or money in the process.

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Heel Flap

I’ve knitted the leg and I’m onto the heel flap. I’m using heel stitch:

R1: *sl1 purl wise wyib k1 * rep from * to the end
R2: sl1 purl wise wyif purl to the end

I’ve read that this makes a much sturdier heel – not sure why, but I’m prepared to give it a go.

If I’m to finish a pair of socks by the end of the month, I need to get one finished this weekend – the pressure is on!

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