Tag Archives: Jane Brocket

Gentle Art of Knitting – Jane Brocket

My copy of The Gentle Art of Knitting arrived. I also have The Gentle Art of Domesticity and The Gentle Art of Quilting.

I know there was a bit of controversy about the cost of some of the projects (£55 tea cosy), but I’ve turned my thinking around and now view my knitting as entertainment and the yarn as a valid entertainment expense. So, for example, today I bought more sock yarn at a cost of $21.50, but it will take me at least 10 hours to knit the socks. So that is about $2.20 per hour for my entertainment (seems reasonable to me).

Having said (or written) the above, I do understand the other point of view …

Anyway here are some of the projects that caught my eye.

Socks! – I do like Socks!

Chunky Cushion – should be a quick knit

and I thought this idea of using tapestry wool for the edges was great.

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Filed under Book Review, Knitting

The Gentle Art of Quilt Making – Jane Brocket

I’ve been very unproductive the last week or so and as it school holidays for the next two weeks I don’t think that is going to change. However, I have bought The Gentle Art of Quilt Makingby Jane Brocket.

I have her Gentle Art of Domesticity which I loved (I’m sure she is living the life I should have had!) So I had to have this one.

Once again it is beautifully presented. It contains 15 quilts and a description of in the inspiration behind each quilt. What Ms Brocket does really well is to take away the paralysing effect of perfection – it’s all about having a go and making something usable (and beautiful).  Most of the pieces are squares or strips (much easier to cut and sew) and the wow factor is produced by the fabric selections. Who would have thought squares on point could be so spectacular (see the cover image above).

Here are three of my favourites …

Beach Hut (Ice Cream)


Purple Rain

Don’t let my dodgy photography put you off. I think this book is designed for quilters of all levels.

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Filed under Book Review, Inspiration, Quilting