My digitising adventures continue. This one came together quite quickly. Although I need to find a way of reversing stitching direction. When I change the starting point to the end point all of the other points vanish. Any ideas?
My digitising adventures continue. This one came together quite quickly. Although I need to find a way of reversing stitching direction. When I change the starting point to the end point all of the other points vanish. Any ideas?
Filed under Digitizing, Foundation Blocks, Machine Embroidery
Miss A wanted a Pony T-Shirt.
I’ve put it all together in Embird. The pony and flower are from Designs by Juju. The alphabet I use in the label is one of Embird’s alphabets (22 I think) and I make the satin stitched borders in Thred.
This is Miss P (who – of course – wanted a dinosaur).
The Dinosaur design is also from Designs by Juju.
I’m hoping to get them stitched out tomorrow – Miss A is back at school!
Filed under Applique, Machine Embroidery, Sewing, Software
I have an embroidery sewing machine. It’s largest hoop is 200mm by 140mm (not including the gigahoop). I’ve always wanted to embroider a larger area and finally I did. I used Embird (to create the design and print the template) and a clothsetter (to place the fabric accurately in the hoop).
I made a birth sampler for Miss A (I removed her name and birth date from the above image for obvious reasons). It measures 35cm by 35cm and took 7 hoopings.
I will write a tutorial about my method (because I searched and couldn’t find anything particularly helpful).
Filed under Machine Embroidery, Sewing Machine, Software