Live Simply – Cross Stitch Progress
I have continued to work may way through my Craftsy class – I now know how to do the pin stitch on linen (brilliant – why didn’t I know that?)
Once I get going, I find this quite easy. I am thinking 32 count Belfast Linen might be my thing. I tried to buy more at Spotlight today, but I had to buy the whole 10m role – that’s $880 – so I said ‘no thanks’ to that and I will buy more from the Crewel Gobelin.

Second Christmas Sock
I am still knitting the second sock – I have reached the toe decreases.
I did a much better job on the gusset this time. I found this article on avoiding holes and it was fabulous (no holes!).
The yarn and the needles have both been great – yarn from passionedflower (on Etsy) and the needles are the new Addi ones.