Tag Archives: learning to digitise

More Digitising

Lion digitised using Embird Studio

I’m still working my way through the Embird Studio tutorial – I am up to pg 674 of 786!

The above image is of a lion I digitised (one of the lessons).

In each lesson I learn something more and now I know how to add extra detail in the outline and how to make fur.

I’ve also learnt how to delete double-ups in the outlines – like this on the whale (I outlined the purple section and the blue sections and so in places there are two outlines).

Whale has a double-up outline

I’m almost ready to tackle some of my own original designs.

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Filed under Digitizing, Machine Embroidery, Software

Learning to Digitise

Digitised Flower

I’m still learning how to use Embird Studio.

In the above image I created one petal (using the drop library shape) and then used the Auto Repeat command to rotate and duplicate the petal. However, the blue circle in the centre is on top of the pink petals – I can’t seem to delete the bits underneath and it will be too bulky and dense. I tried using the Create Fill Opening Object, but it just cut a hole in one petal (rather than all of the petals). I do have one more idea to try …


Filed under Digitizing, Software