Category Archives: Sock Knitting

Sock Progress

My self-imposed goal of knitting a pair of socks a month (like the Yarn Harlot) might have been over-ambitious. I’m knitting very slowly – it’s school holidays (so just as I get the pattern sorted in my head a little person demands my attention) and it is very hot and humid (not good weather for knitting).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting

A New Project

I’m going to make socks. Above is my swatch – 7 stitches/inch (odd how knitting and quilting still use imperial measurements).

The yarn is Moda Vera Noir (Sorry I can’t find a link).

The diamond seed pattern is as follows …

Multiples of 8

R1: *p1, k7 * rep from *

R2&8: *k1, p1, k5, p1, * rep from *

R3&7: *k2, p1, k3, p1, k1 * rep from *

R4&6: *k3, p1, k1, p1, k2 * rep from *

R5: *k4, p1, k3*

My aim is to have this finished by the end of January (I’ll see if a self-imposed deadline makes any difference).

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Filed under Knitting, Sock Knitting