I’ve been doing dull things – like printing PR stuff for my stall. Also my real life is  interfering with my crafty endeavours. My children have had lots of different activities that I need to get them to – swimming lessons etc. Plus in my opinion it’s all about the photos and I haven’t got myself organised enough to take photos while the light is good.
 However, I have bought more fabric because, of course, you can never have enough!
I plan to use one of these fabrics in a new quilt – a waterwheel design (I really liked the one Amy posted about at Angry Chicken ).
I was thinking something like this …
There will also be at least one border, but I’m still thinking about that. I want something more complicated than my normal one piece fabric borders, but I haven’t decided exactly what yet.
What do you think of the block and quilt image. I used my new PCQuilt software package to create them. So far I’ve been really pleased with it. I love that I can scan my fabric and use it in my blocks and I love being able to see a quilt of the blocks. I had a bit of trouble at first with scanning my fabric, but that turned out to be user error (of course) and their support was great.
You must all be wondering if I ever finish anything and I’m wondering that too! I’ve got three quilt projects on the go – Snail’s Trail, Log Cabin and now this Waterwheel. I find those initial stages so exciting! Planning the project, finding the perfect fabric etc unfortunately commitment to a project is not my forte.
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