I’ve been trying to find a cheap source of Calico. I use Calico to stabilise my embroideries. I have bought a roll of it from Spotlightbefore, but my closest Spotlight has closed down, so I’ve been trying to source another supplier. Part of my ‘research’ involves visiting fabric stores.
Last week my two year old and I went on an excursion. We visited a toy store (for her) and Textile Traders (for me). Now I’ve always had quite a low opinion of Textile Traders. Not really sure why, but I thought the fabric was cheap and nasty. However, this time I found some lovely Modafabric – part of the Three Sisters range and it was cheap. Similar fabric at my favourite fabric store (Calico and Ivy) is three times more expensive, so of course I had to have some. I wasn’t sure how much I would need, but I thought 3 metres would be enough for any project.
The red fabric (second from the bottom) is quite christmassy, but I thought in small amounts the christmas feel won’t be noticeable and besides I loved it.
My current plan (which of course may change) is to make a Log Cabin quilt out of it. I haven’t thought how to arrange the fabric, but I’m sure something will occur to me soon.