One Year

I have been blogging for a year now and I thought this would be a good time to take stock.

At the start I hoped this blog would force me to create more to generate content. I don’t think that has been the case. However, it is great to have a record of a year’s crafting. In the past year I have been most pleased with

my patchwork cards


birth sampler


patchwork blocks

SewWitty HourGlass Block

And my socks



Once I expanded this blog to include non-crafty items, such as book reviews, I found it much easier to find content.

During the next year, I want to focus on embroidery (in particular larger embroideries that require multiple hoopings) and reducing my fabric stash (not to mention the to be read pile of books). I have plans for an I Spy quilt (the latest Get Creative magazine had a pattern I quite liked) and a Disappearing Nine Patch.

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